Décor Festive Country Bell


Holiday Farmhouse Decor Bell

This Festive Country Bell has a copper finish for that rustic vintage look. The laser engraving will not peel away, nor fade. It is rugged made from all steel. Perfect farmhouse themed décor.

Customize it your way! After your order has been placed we will email you as soon as we can to get your customization details, or you can email us as sales@slatecustomdesigns.com

They will appreciate your personal touch that is laser engraved for a permanent mark that will wont wear away or wash off.

Many designs to choose. Can be personalized to fit any need. Our products make great marketing tools for business or promotion ideas. These also make great gifts for any occasion.

Shipping weight 1.24 lb.

H: 7″ W: 5″ D: 2 1/2″

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × 3 in

Jingle, Wonderful, Customize


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